Rich or Poor Determined
Whether you are rich, poor, or middle class is not determined by how much money you make at your job, but by what you do with your money after you make it.
The reason that poor people are poor is not because they make a little bit of money, but because every dime that comes in through income goes out through expenses.
The main reason that poor people are poor is because they believe that the only real purpose of money is spending it.
If you spend your money, that means your money does not stay with you long enough to reproduce itself. It does not stay with you long enough to multiply.
Taxes are the number one expense of poor people. Think about it: you are taxed when you earn your money; you are taxed when you spend it; you are taxed on what you own, now that you’ve bought it; you are taxed when you sell it; and, if you die, then they really going to tax you!
“Find out what poor people do financially and make sure you don’t do it”!